Wednesday 16 March 2011

Some Differences between British education and Chinese education

In China, there are state school and private school to be chose by students. Most students go to state school for thier education.But some rich students could go to state school or private school as well. Because the fees always very expensive in the private school.

There is a big difference between chinese education and British
education is the different terms in one year. Chinese school always arrange two long terms in a year, each term has 4 mounth's duration. But british school has 3 terms each year.

We can see many differences between chinese and british education system, most students in china think the british education system is an open and pluralistic study system. But chinese education put more emphasize on the examination and use the examination to reference the students' point.

1 comment:

  1. The British academic year is divided into 3 terms (not 4!) separated by holidays at Christmas, Easter and in the summer.
