Monday 20 June 2011

Social Class

According to, there are three different types of social classes in the UK:
The British Social Class System
The British society has often been considered to be divided into three main groups of classes:
  • the Upper Class
    Often people with inherited wealth. Includes some of the oldest families, with many of them being titled aristocrats.
  • the Middle Class
    The majority of the population of Britain. They include industrialists, professionals, business people and shop owners.
  • Lower or Working Class
    People who are agricultural, mine and factory workers.

The girls in video have their own different life styles, the working class girl just do some basic aspects to support her to live. But the urban class girl has more chances to live in different types of life styles such as attend some parties, do some extra activities. Different types of social classes have their own specialties. For example, the working classes have a clear aim to finish, they need to earn the money and manage their life carefully, they always have no many requirements for their life, and just happy day by day are they looking forward to. The urban class has their own specialty as well, most of them always regard their identities in the society, and they have many aspects need to consider as well.

Crime and Punishment

Law and punishment are two main weapons we have to fight against crime,without which our life will be on the edge of crash.Punishment could be compared as a sword,it protect us from the crime and warn thoses who plan to do the bad things.On the other hand punishment could leave the criminals a good lesson in order to rebuild them into good people.Both facts prove that punishment has a irreplaceable effect on reducing the crimes.So that is why punishment is  indispensable. However, the British government provide a good system of crime and punishment, there is no death penalty in British punishment, and the british government punish the criminals in the right way such as do the Social volunteers for society.Punishment could be compared as a sword,it protect us from the crime and warn thoses who plan to do the bad things.On the other hand punishment could leave the criminals a good lesson in order to rebuild them into good people.Both facts prove that punishment has a irreplaceable effect on reducing the crimes.So that is why punishment is  indispensable.


Tuesday 14 June 2011

Sports in the UK

As we all know, Britian has the biggest football league and many famous teams such as Manchester, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal. Although China has a league as well, the Chinese attitude to football can not be the same with British people. In Britian, the majority of males always have a team to support, and they do not want miss any match of this team. It is clear to see British people have put their soul into the football, and loving this sport.

Next major event in the UK is Wimbledon Championships. It is a tennis match that is held in july. The major court of this match is Centre court, and it locate in London.

Sunday 5 June 2011

The National Health Service

The National Health Service is a self-governed department that not controlled by government. It also provides many benefits to residents living in the Britain. For instance, the treatment at NHS hospital is free for all British residents and they also provide the high-quality healthcare for people. Next, The National Health Service also provide a wide family healthcare that is responsible by GPs, GP is stand for General Practitioner, they are responsible for the healthcare of every part of the UK. If people feel not well, they can contract their GPs at first time.

It is clear to see NHS is a significant system that help british residents'daily health.

Reference: (2011)

Monday 23 May 2011

The Welfare System

Welfare system is started by department of Work and Pensions agencies all over the country,  they have made the strategies and aimed at:
  • people who receive benefit
  • people who need help to get work
  • disabled people
  • older people
  • people who get the State Pension.

The Department for Work and Pensions is very significant for the government, they are responsible for giving the benefits to workers and it is the most expensive system. For instance, the women at 60 or the men at 65 that they could get relatively low state retirement pensions. 

The welfare system also bring some benefits to particular people, for example, according to directgov (2010) ,"There are two separate amounts, with a higher amount for your eldest (or only) child. You get £20.30 a week for your eldest child and £13.40 a week for each of your other children."

Reference: (2011) Homepage. Available at: (Accessed: 21/05/11).

Monday 9 May 2011

Media - TV

After i getting this topic, i try to observe the channel on the television, i found many channels on TV such as BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, CHANNEL 4 and CHANNEL 5.

BBC channel report many news candidly and include some international news as well, there are many different programmes on these channel such as BBC News, Asia Today Hard Talk, Earth Report, Weekend World, This week and so on.

ITV channel play some variety shows and some people interested in.

Channel 4 and 5 play some programme about music and technology.

The CCTV has 13 channels in china, it stand for the China Central Television. It is the most popular channel in china. It is a channel that is controlled by government, so it is difficult to watch some bad news about government from this channel.

Different CCTV channel plays different programmes. For instance, CCTV1 2 3 4 plays the news, CCTV 5 is a sport channel, CCTV 6 is a movie channel and CCTV 7 is a child channel. There are almost 4 hours advertising time for each channel.


Wednesday 16 March 2011

Some Differences between British education and Chinese education

In China, there are state school and private school to be chose by students. Most students go to state school for thier education.But some rich students could go to state school or private school as well. Because the fees always very expensive in the private school.

There is a big difference between chinese education and British
education is the different terms in one year. Chinese school always arrange two long terms in a year, each term has 4 mounth's duration. But british school has 3 terms each year.

We can see many differences between chinese and british education system, most students in china think the british education system is an open and pluralistic study system. But chinese education put more emphasize on the examination and use the examination to reference the students' point.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

The Senedd's Evironmental Features

There are some interesting environmental features of the Senedd. Firstly, the biomass boiler, most buildings use the fuel to offer people the heat air. But it is always release much carbon-dioxide and carbon-dioxide is harmful for environment. Therefore, the Senedd use the wood chips or wood pellets instead of the fuel because burns wood biomass could reduce the releasing of carbon-dioxide efficiently.

Secondly, the natural ventilation are interesting as well, this natural ventilation can control the inside temperature and keep it at a same level, not very hot and not very cold. It is appropriate for people to work in the Senedd.
                                                                      Working principle

Finally, the Senedd use the water efficiently too. Designer designed a big container and use a pipe links it to the ground. It could be used to collect the rain water and use it such as waterless urinals in male toilet areas. This measures could save much water for the Senedd.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Valentine's Day And St.David's Day

Valentine's Day(14th Feb):

Nowadays, Valentine's Day has become an international festival. The 14th February every year is the date of Valentine’s Day. Couples celebrate this festival every year. The young through this festival to send an anonymous card to express their secretly love, majority of people use text message to express their love to each other. The old still have this festival to celebrate their love and refresh it.

In the Valentine’s Day, people not only use cards to send to each other, but also give their boyfriend/girlfriend some chocolates and roses as gift. This festival is a chance to express people’s love as well.

St. David's Day(1st March):

                                                                       Saint David

St. David in Welsh called Dewi Sant, he could be seen as a hero in Wales because he finished a lot of churchs in Wales. He was die at 1st March c.589. Therefore people are order to commemorate him and set up 1st  March called St. David Day every year.

                                                                      leek - daffodil

Leek and daffodil are two symbols to celebrate the St. David Day, Many Welsh people wear one or both of the national emblems of Wales on their lapel to celebrate this festival. It is a very important festival for the Welsh.

Monday 21 February 2011

The government of the United Kingdom

 1:Cabinet is a formal group to make the decision for government, there are approximately 20 members in this group. They have a meeting once a week, it could be seen as a significant organization of government.

2:The British Prime Minister has more power than the British Queen.

3:Local governments resoinsible for collecting the rubbish, cleaning and tidying of all public place and many things.

The Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP:

Philip Hammond is response for British Transport, he comes from a wide background. He used to be a businessman and hold a medium size company in manufacturing.
He graduated from oxford university with  Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
Philip first stood for Parliament in Newham North East in 1994. Having been defeated in that by-election, he was elected in 1997 for the Surrey constituency of Runnymede and Weybridge. 

Tuesday 8 February 2011

The Parliament in Britain

Firstly, there are two Houses of Parliament in britain which are the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Both of them have a big power, but the House of Commons has more power than the House of Lords because the House of Commons decides the national policy but the House of Lords not.

MPs is the Members of Parliament and each one represents a geographical area, In the United Kingdom, there are 659 constituencies, 529 in England, 72 in Scotland, 40 in Wales and 18 in Northern Ireland. The size of them depend on the density of population to each area, so they are not all the same geographical size.
It is essentail to poll and choose a MP, So when there is a general election,  people start advocating to the candidate who is in their eyes. Than people vote for a person to be the MP for their constituency. Whole vote system is called "first past the post", it is easy to understand, who got more vote, who could become the MP. After the general election, a political party with most MPs forms will be set up.

In addition, I have done some research about women MPs:

Election yearFemale MPs%ConLabLibOthersCandidates
1974 (Feb)  233.6913-1143
1974 (Oct)274.3718-2161

This chart shows that the women MPs & parliamentary candidates since 1945, so there are 143 women MPs now in 2010.

The first female MP in Britian is called Janet 'Jennie'  Lee who was born in 1904, she was elected to Parliament as Labour MP for North Lanarkshire in March 1929 when she was 24 years old. Unfortunately,


Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Advantages and Disadvangtages of belonging to the EU.

Nowadays, Almost of european countries has joined the EU. People's attitude to join the EU vary from person to person.

Now I am going to talk about the merit first.

Advantage:Member countries could acquire many benefits such as several political and economic freedoms and the memberships also can share their science and technology with each other, Most of that might be promote the development of each countres' economy. Than, Most citizens live in different member countries may move between countries easier.It realize that not only the economy will be promoted , but also the multiculturalism will be promoted as well.In addition, the european union has their own common currency what is the Euro,it can be used in most parts of europe, it also makes people's life very convenient.

After advantage,there are a few drawbacks as well,For instance the EU institution ask the sovereinety power to help them , and they can control some trades, some politics problems.

All in all , the organisation of european union bring many benefits as we all know, it can be seen as a good organisation.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

A Plan of One Day Trip to London

I will arrive in Victoria station of London at 10:20 o'clock,than I should back there and take the train to leave at 17:35,So I only have 7hours to visit in London.

First, I plan to go to the South kensington tube station by underground because there are 4 famous museum what are Victoria and Albert Museum ,Natural History Museum,Science Museum,Earth Galleries Museum!I try to visit all of them by 1 o'clock P.M. After that, I will have a 30 mins break and lunch.Than, I am going to start form South kensington tube station to Hyde Park station,it will spend me approximately 20mins and i will cost 10mins to walk to the famous landmark what is Buckingham Palace, when I have visited Buckingham Palace, The time might go to 2:30 P.M. Than I want to go to the Big Ben and London eye,So i
take the undergound to the westminster station where are these two landmarks located.
After visiting them, I hope to back to the Victoria station because i don't want to be late of my train,So i plan to back to the station before 16:40P.M, So i will get some spare time to go shopping around Victoria station!
It will be a nice trip!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

My British Research

The 'Four Nations' of Briain:
The flag of  Wales.
The flag of Scotland 

The Royal Standard of Scotland

The flag of England

The Royal Banner of England
The flag of Republic Ireland.

The Chinese usually use YINGUOREN to describe the people who live in britain,This chinese word is translated to English means all the people live in the UK.

But some of people might be offended if you use this word to describe them


There are many differences between ‘four nations’ people,for example,different nation is keen on different sports,Walsh people like playing rugby,But English people are keen on playing football and
they organize the biggest football League,is called Barclays English Premier League,lastly ,Scotland is the place of origin of Golf!It is amazed to me!

In addition, Different nations has their own language,such as the Walsh in Wals,the scotch in Scotland,the Irish in Ireland!
